For My Son…

For my son…

Today you were born. I had the fears I heard many have with a second child on the way….but how could I love another just as much? That’s the amazing part about the miracle of birth, the love is inside of you. And when you decided to enter the world, my love only grew stronger. This love is like no other. We are bonded in a way only mothers who have sons can truly understand. You hold my heart and that will never change.

You came into this world the happiest baby and you still are. You are my sunshine baby. You make the world brighter. Sure, you are curious and adventurous and into everything you possibly could be, but I know that only means positive things for the future. I know that you will be brave and brilliant, strong and resilient, a leader and a do-er. And let’s not forget your charm that will win everyone over, just like your dad ;).

Two years have flown by and I wish I could make time stand still. You feel like such a little person already when I still see you as my baby boy. I still see that great big grin and feel those little arms around me. I still have the moments when you lay your head on my chest at night before you go to bed. I still look forward to going into your room every morning and seeing that great big smile. You are filled with so much joy and love that I hope you always carry that with you. I hope you never stop being you because YOU are incredible!

So on your birthday as I watch that video ‘slow down’ and cry my eyes out, I hope you always know how much I love you. I hope you know that having you for a son is a blessing I will be forever grateful for. I hope you know that you complete our family and I couldn’t imagine life without you. And finally, I hope you know that you no matter what you do or wherever you go, my love will always find you.