You are More…

You are more than a diagnosis.

You are more than a label.

You are more than a number on a piece of paper.

You are more than your meltdowns.

You are more than the behaviors you cannot control.

You are more than the feelings you struggle to express.

You are more than the directions you can’t always follow.

You are more than the times you cannot sit still.

You are more than the looks you get when you misbehave.

Oh my sweet boy, you are so much more.

You are joy.
You are sweet.
You are silly.
You are important.
You are curious.
You are brilliant.
You are belly laughs.
You are snuggles in bed.
You are kisses just because.
You are squeezes so tight.

You are more than any definition people will try to give you.

You are more than any box people will try to put you in.

You are more than the world knows.

You are loved.
You are a greatness all on your own.
You are a blessing.
You are mine.

And I hope you always know how much I love you.

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