The Kind of Parent I Want to Be

No ever thinks about what kind of parent they want to be when they’re younger, at least, I never did. Even when you talked about what you wanted to be when you ‘grew up’, I’m sure if or when you said like mommy or daddy you really didn’t know what those words meant. I don’t think we really think about what kind of parent we want to be until we actually become parents. Yes, you more than likely talked about it with your future spouse before marriage. You shared how you grew up, how your parents were, things you liked and didn’t like and maybe even gave your own thoughts about how you would parent. When you got engaged, you talked about becoming a family and how that would change your twosome. Feelings of excitement and nervousness filled your body about the possibility of a ‘mini’ you or your husband. And then when you got pregnant, you thoroughly prepared yourself for your new role, envisioning what it will be like and trying to plan for it all. Then reality sets in and it hits you. It hits you HARD. And just like that, you’re officially a parent. There is no slow motion in parenting (despite how many moments we wish we could). The minute you become a parent it’s as if someone threw you in the ocean and just as you stand up, SMACK! you get crushed by a giant wave. You fight to get up again and you’re pretty out of breathe when SMACK, you’re hit again this time even harder. But now… now you know what’s coming so you’re prepared for this big wave….you get up, get your bearings and…nothing. Ahh, time to relax……SMACK! Parenting doesn’t stop. And even when you think you have the hang of it, everything changes.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what kind of parent I want to be. Sometimes, it keeps me up at night. Sometimes, it leaves me in tears. Sometimes, it fills me with so much anxiety and fear that I start to panic wondering if I’m doing the right things. Am I doing the right things? Am I doing anything right?! Am I being the kind of parent my kids deserve? Because let’s face it, our kids deserve everything. And I don’t mean that in the entitlement kind of way, I mean that in the parenting kind of way. They deserve to get everything they can from us because it’s going to make them who they are one day. So shouldn’t we give them the very best of us? Is that even enough? If your parents are Baby Boomers like mine, then you probably grew up hearing ‘I only want the best for you’ or ‘I want you to have more than what I had’ or ‘I want to give you more than I was given’. Our parents always wanted more for us. They just wanted to give and give and give. They never stopped giving. You don’t understand that kind of ‘give’ until you’re a parent. You just don’t. There is nothing like it. When you’re a parent, you give until there is nothing left to give, and then you give more.

We want to see our children grow and succeed and become the best possible versions of themselves but being a parent nowadays isn’t easy. In fact, it’s almost nearly impossible. I don’t know how my parents did it. I really don’t. To try to keep up with a job, a marriage, children, a house, cooking, cleaning, school, school activities, sports, extracurricular activities, homework, meetings, church activities, volunteering and all the other things that come along with life as a parent seems completely unmanageable! And on top of that, now everyone gets to document it. Now everyone gets to show off what ‘amazing’ parents they are. This is not meant to insult anyone at all. I’ll be the first to say, I love sharing pictures of the fun things I do with my kids, who doesn’t? And I know almost all moms would agree with me that in the middle of one of your child’s meltdowns, not only is there no time to share it, but it’s such utter chaos that the thought of sharing it doesn’t even enter your mind. Yes, we share the best parts of parenting and it’s great, but sometimes it makes life seem a little less real, don’t you think? That’s when I personally have to step back and ask myself, why am I even on here? Why do I care about what other people are doing? I need to be spending time with my kids!

So here’s what I’ve decided. Here’s the kind of parent I want to be.

I want to be the kind of parent that one day, my kids will thank me for all the things I did, the things I taught them and even the times I was really tough on them. I want them to have the best memories of their childhood and look back upon it with fondness, joy and love. I hope that fondness fosters future memories for them with their children. I want to be the kind of parent that doesn’t give up….EVER….and always tells my kids I love them, no matter what they may say to me. I want to be the parent that teaches my children not only how to pray but to KEEP praying, because God hears your prayers (even if you don’t get the answer that you want). I want my kids to know I pray for them every single day (usually more than once!) and that will never stop.

But right now, I want to be a yes mom to my kids. No, that doesn’t mean I will give my children everything they want, but it means I will say yes to the things that I know one day they won’t ask me for. Yes I will play with you, yes I will lay with you, yes I will color with you, yes I will run around the house and chase you, yes I will read you that story again, yes I will spin you around for the hundredth time, yes I will make silly faces with you…YES, YES YES! I need more ‘yes’ moments. I need to give my children more ‘yes’ moments, because these are the ones you can’t get back.

Listen, I am far from this parent. I know that I can write these words so much more easily than I can put them into action. But this is an aspiration for me. This is me saying, YES I CAN DO THIS! Yes, I can do this on the days I run out of patience and it’s only nine o’clock in the morning. Yes, I can do this on the days I’ve been yelled at, slapped, smacked, bitten, peed on, spit up on and been thrown food on. Yes, I can do this when the house is a mess AGAIN, no one is listening or eating or doing anything they should be! Yes, I can do this because in the end, THIS is all you have. The days might be exhausting and unbearable and even downright miserable at times, but it’s the little moments, the little glimpses of pure joy that make it all worth it. The moments when I’m running around with my husband and our kids on the lawn in the middle of summer having a water gun fight and laughing so hard it hurts. The moments when you almost forget where you are and what you should be doing because you’re just enjoying those precious moments with your kids. Find your ‘yes’ mom and cherish those moments. I know I will.

To My Sweet Children…

I watch as you both grow and I want to slow down every second. I want to pause these moments because I know they are slipping through my fingers like sand and there is no getting them back. I want to capture each memory we make in my mind with perfect vividness so that I can close my eyes and relive them when you are grown and no longer need me the way that you do now.

This world is a crazy and beautiful place. I want to protect you from everything I know to be wrong with it. I want to make sure no one ever hurts you. I want to make sure you are strong enough to survive the evil that will surround you more than once. I want to teach you all that I know to be right so when faced with tough decisions, you can look back and remember the things I’ve said. I want to instill in you the values that were instilled in me.  I want to give you every opportunity that I can to help you grow, flourish and succeed. I want to show you what unconditional love is and means. I want you to always feel safe at home (and part of me never wants you to leave!!!). There are so many things I want, wish, pray and hope for when it comes to the two of you.

But for now, I want you to be little. I want you to stay little (some days, I want that to last forever!). I want to see that love you have for me in your eyes each and every day. I want to feel that needy, pure and raw love you have for me. That love which flows from your hearts and melts mine. Your neediness gives me purpose, even if it does make me a little crazy at times. It keeps me in check. It humbles me. It makes me complete. It reminds me why my life has purpose…you, are my purpose.

I won’t lie to you, some days are tough…really tough. The kind of days that make me want to pull my hair out, hide anywhere that I can’t be found, scream at the top of my lungs, rip out my ears just to not hear ‘mommy’ again for the thousandth time and run away just to have a moment of silence to myself. But then I have to remind myself that you are only little for so long. There will come a time when you won’t need me the way you do right now. You won’t want me to pick you up, hold your hand, lay in bed with you, read you stories or rock you to sleep. This change is inevitable, but I just can’t bring myself to accept that yet.

So…my sweet children, I will cherish you in these moments. Even in the hardest ones, I will do my best to cherish you the way that you deserve. I will give you endless and unconditional love expecting nothing in return. I will continue to repeat the silly things you love hundreds of times throughout the day, play with you whenever you ask me to, tell that story one more time, watch the show/movie again and just give you all the attention that I can because it’s all I can do. It’s all I can do to show you how much I love you. And when this time passes, I will look back with joy in my heart for all the things we got to do, even if it does break my heart a little, for nothing will ever be more precious then your sweet innocence and love for the simple things in life which you have right now. And no time will ever be more important than this. I love you both.